
Chen Cui

Ph.D. Candidate
The University of Hong Kong
ccui (at) cs.hku.hk
i (at) cuichen.cc

About Me

I am currently a PhD candidate supervised by Prof. Bruno Oliveira and mentored by Dr. Jinxu (Jimmy) Zhao in the Programming Language Group, Department of Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong. My research interests are centred around programming languages. In particular, my current research is focused on type inference for higher-rank polymorphism.


  1. $$\displaylines{(\lambda f.~\lambda x.~f~x):\\ (\forall (a \le 1). a \to a) \to 1 \to 1 }$$
    Chen Cui, Shengyi Jiang and Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira
    In 37th ACM International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA). October 2023

